Member Survey 2019 Results

A very Happy 2020 to everyone! Here are the results of the first ever Hackergram member survey that was conducted in Dec 2019. Thanks to everyone who participated and we hope to have a very productive year ahead!

How would you like to engage with Hackergram?

We will be reaching out to the members who have expressed a desire to be desginated as co-founders for a peer review shortly!

Forms response chart. Question title: How would you like to engage with हैकरgram ?. Number of responses: 35 responses.

What themes would you like us to focus on in 2020-21?

Since Tech For Good is a generic underlying theme to the others, we would be looking to apply that as a background theme to all of the other themes. 

Forms response chart. Question title: As we are in the process of setting the themes for 2020-21, please tell us what would you like to see as the top three themes?. Number of responses: 35 responses.

What activities would you like us to organize in 2020-21?

We will be reaching out with event and activity schedules shortly. 

Forms response chart. Question title: What activities would you like to see next year organized by हैकरgram and also if you would like to be a part of it and in what capacity?. Number of responses: 35 responses.

How would you like to contribute towards the Hackergram network?

We will be reaching out to individual members to represent Hackergram at events as well as share collateral for outreach via social media. We look forward to your support in 2020!

Forms response chart. Question title: How would you like to contribute towards the हैकरgram network?. Number of responses: 35 responses.

What services do you think that हैकरgram network should/ could provide to the members?

Some of the services suggested by members –

  • Tech support – Basic responses to “How do I…” type queries
    • Existing efforts
      • Send us a query via WhatsApp or an email to and we will share it with the technologically inclined members for assistance!
      • A few of the members are active on Stack Exchange and other public forums. If you do post a query on a forum, please share with us and we will try and get group members on that platform to respond. 

Suggestions welcome on how to improve this!

  • Co-working spaces – A healthy working environment with optional accommodation

If you’d like to share your space (with or without cost) please do let us know at and we will add your space and terms to the list!

  • Linkages to work – A showcase for members’ work
    • Existing efforts
      • We would love to share more of our members work via our pages, please tag us on social media and we will reshare, this would enable the network to highlight the work of network member organizations.

If anyone would like to partner on a nice news feed visualization for the site please do let us know!

  • Networking opportunities – more opportunities to meet new people on the network

Starting 2020 we will be hosting more events (both online and offline) where people can meet up. We will reach out with invitations and schedules shortly!

  • Alternative Internet Services – e.g. VPNs, secure file storage, secure communications channels etc

We will be reaching out with some suggestions and requests for comment on this set of services shortly.

  • E-platforms

The demand here seems to be for a platform, where people can communicate about specific topics. Given the huge number of platforms and models available today, we would love to hear more from the network on what platforms they are already using and would prefer we engage on, as opposed to designing more new platforms. 

  • Wellness support

We would love to host events in partnership with network members where people could come together and work on personal development through group and individual work.

Suggestions welcome

  • Tech education – courses on technical skills
    • Existing efforts
      • TechZone Academy, one of our member organizations already provides online training and certification in a variety of courses. Classes are conducted in person or over screen sharing sessions. Exams are conducted online. You can also become a TechZone certified trainer provided you pass one of our trainer exams, which entitles you to certify students based on TechZone’s courses. 
  • Basic self defense training 

    We would be approaching some of our international and national network organisatons already working in this area to share their knowledge for such training. Also the organisations/individuals who have reached out to us with a specific interest in this area would be nominated for such training within the South Asia region. 

Suggestions welcome!

  • Online security training
    • Existing efforts
      • Digital Detox Curriculum

Hackergram has collaborated with TacticalTechnology Collective to translate their Digital Detox Kit. We have translated the kit in Hindi and Bengali. We would be publishing the kit in these two languages on Hackergram website and also the TTC website. We encourage our members to reach out to us if they would like to share it within their communities and in any collaboration they are looking for. 

  • On demand online training sessions
  • Social entrepreneurship training

Several members currently provide consultative services to social enterprises. We would be happy to assist more organizations who are transitioning between the for profit and non profit spaces. Apart from that we would also like to create a pool of such network member consultants so we could reach out to them and vice versa whenever a project shows up requiring certain set of skills. This would enable us to create a vibrant and interactive network communicating on skill, knowledge and opportunity share.

  • Legal advice

We have at least two legally qualified members. However more specific requests on this would be helpful.  

  • Documentation and other forms of knowledge sharing

We have started a new set of videos on our channel. Please do follow along and let us know what you would like to see more of! Please also let us know if you would like to contribute content for the channel or for one of our other social media streams!

We are also working on an overhaul of the website and any help with aesthetics would be much appreciated!

  • Environmental awareness programs

Hackergram members have been volunteering on reforestation projects around the Nainital area. More suggestions on this set of services would be very welcome. We would like to encourage network members to collaborate with Hackergram to find possibilities e.g. funding, budgeting, proposal writing etc.

Please give your feedback/ideas about how you think हैकरgram could do better?

The feedback we got was broadly along the following lines

  • More communication
  • Better execution
  • More follow up
  • More visibility
  • Better sustainability 

We hear you!

Is there any individual/group/ organization that you would like to invite to be a part of the हैकरgram network?

Several of you have mentioned organizations or individuals who you would like to invite. We will be reaching out shortly to ask for introductions!

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